【問題】Twin gene?推薦回答

作者:Borski, Robert

Gene Wolfe's BOOK OF THE NEW SUN has been hailed by both critics and readers as quite possibly the best science fiction novel ever written. And yet at the same time, like another masterpiece of fic...


From Neil Schneiderman's Foreword: Because behavioral medicine has been constructed based on the understanding of relationships among behavior, psychosocial processes, and sociocultural contexts, t...


From Neil Schneiderman's Foreword: Because behavioral medicine has been constructed based on the understanding of relationships among behavior, psychosocial processes, and sociocultural contexts, t...

作者:Jang, Kerry L.

New discoveries about the genetic underpinnings of many kinds of human experience are now continually being made. This book explores the impact of these discoveries on the ways in which the common ...

作者:Price, Gene

Lukas' Maiden Voyage was written as a fable in which animals speak and act like people. The target audience ranges from nine years old to teenagers, even to moms and dads who may take delight in re...

作者:Price, Gene

Lukas' Maiden Voyage was written as a fable in which animals speak and act like people. The target audience ranges from nine years old to teenagers, even to moms and dads who may take delight in re...

作者:Fields, Michael

The continuing saga of Twin River: There is never a quiet moment in Twin River. Stalking and abduction are the forces that drive Twin River III in a fast and deadly pace. This is partially due to t...

作者:Bouchard, Claude (EDT)

This book provides a comprehensive compilation of the evidence available regarding the role of genetic differences in the etiology of human obesities and their health and metabolic implications. It...

作者:Hudziak, James J. (EDT)

A major benchmark in the understanding of psychiatric illness in children and adolescents, Developmental Psychopathology and Wellness reports on progress in identifying genetic and environmental in...

作者:Borski, Robert

Gene Wolfe's BOOK OF THE NEW SUN has been hailed by both critics and readers as quite possibly the best science fiction novel ever written. And yet at the same time, like another masterpiece of fic...

作者:Vosseler, Gene/ Vosseler, Wanda/ Duffy, Neroli

Rev. E. Gene Vosseler has been a warrior of the Spirit and a devotee of the Christ and the Buddha for decades. As he has walked this path he has seen his life unfold in three distinct phases.The fi...

作者:Pluess, Michael (EDT)

'In the past decade there has been an explosion of research into the psychology of well-being. While we know that psychological well-being is partly heritable, it is only recently that researchers ...

作者:Shepherd, Gordon M.

This widely used and highly praised textbook has been extensively revised to reflect the most exciting research across the entire range of neuroscience. A new feature is an introductory discussion ...

作者:Jang, Kerry L.

New discoveries about the genetic underpinnings of many kinds of human experience are now continually being made. This book explores the impact of these discoveries on the ways in which the common ...

作者:Bengesser, Susanne/ Reininghaus, Eva

The high hereditary factor of Bipolar Disorder has been proven by many twin-, adoption- and family-studies already decades ago. Concordance rates between monozygotic twins are even as high as 40-70...

